Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nelson Maneuver

Read about The Nelson Maneuver at

The Nelson Maneuver
Get a law degree. Become a professional parasite by finding a wealthy host client that you can represent. Gain his confidence. Lean the family profile. Marry into the family. Covertly manipulate the estate plan through your wife and her mother. Use your mother in law to get your name placed on a Real Estate Deed to property intended for another family member, the victim of your scheme. Cooperate in turning family members against the victim member. Form a wolf pack against the victim of your scheme by sharing some of the spoils with other family members that dislikes the victim to gain their cooperation. If the victim sues you, contact his attorneys and talk, intimidate or threaten them out of representing the victim thereby forcing the victim to represent himself pro se. Represent the wolf pack family members against the lone victim member and make extra money. Use your liar’s degree to draft fraudulent documents and affidavits with fraudulent statements for you and your co-conspirators to sign and present to the Court against the victim. Coach them in their lying about the facts in the case. Then bury the victim with legal paperwork. Then file a Motion for Summary Judgment to get the case thrown out of Court and keep the land. Direct update requests to